PuleSecure VPN for Virgina Tech

VT Remove Desktop

can enable sound forwarding via client comouter remote desktop optiona sound redorect.

Note: Remote Desktop is Slow via Virginia Tech’s VPN

Enabling Hardware for Remote sessions


””” It is said that Windows 10 does not enable the GPU for rendering over RDP by default, but you can change this by editing the Group policy.

Steps are as below:

Open the Edit Group Policy tool from Control Panel or use the Windows Search dialog (Windows Key + R, then type in gpedit.msc) Browse to: Local Computer Policy\Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Remote Desktop Services\Remote Desktop Session Host\Remote Session Environment Then enable “Use the hardware default graphics adapter for all Remote Desktop Services sessions” Update the Group policy

Please take your time to test above steps and let us know if it is workable. “””

Trouble connecting


Firewall settings: allow an app through firewall
